Nervous in your neighborhood?

When you need a little backup, help is only a click away

Confidently navigate your world with The Neighborhood Squatch mobile app and put the power of our on-demand community-safety network at your fingertips.

How It Works

Don’t stay helpless. Get real help when you need it.

Get some backup with an easy help request for our on-demand network of volunteers and security professionals.

  • Instant response

    No on-hold music or recorded messages. Create your help request, right now.

  • Just-right help

    Our agents show up and provide the assistance you need, nothing more, nothing less.

  • Real-time awareness

    Check in with the status of your dispatch, and communicate with your Squatch agent, on-demand.

Become The Squatch

Join with community watch groups in your area to provide real-time assistance to neighbors in need.

Become a volunteer:

Leverage your training and experience, get more hours, and step up to help protect our community

Join our security network:

Connect with Us

Still curious but not sure what to do next? Reach out for a one-on-one consultation and get your questions answered.